A Rethink of Nuclear Risk Assessment

Another Fukushima-sized-accident remains plausible

Prof. Didier Sornette and Dr. Spencer Wheatley, D-MTEC; and Prof. Benjamin Sovacool of the University of Sussex, have carried out the most comprehensive statistical analysis of historical nuclear accidents to date, focusing primarily on accident cost. The study suggests that nuclear power is an under-appreciated extreme risk, and that major changes will likely be needed to prevent future disasters. It is emphasized that the industry should be more transparent with data about the consequences of accidents. Looking forward, the group will continue to expand and refine their data about historical accidents to better understand nuclear energy risk, and compare with the risk of other energy sources.

See the full press release, and links to the related publications Download here (PDF, 778 KB).
See The Times (UK) article discussing the study Download here (PDF, 69 KB).

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