Wieso fördert die Schweiz ihren teuersten Rohstoff nicht?

Response to the criticism

"On the probability of predicting future Fukushima’s"
European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015

Prof. Didier Sornette presented a keynote entitled "Safety and Reliability in Dragon-Kings’ Lair"
Property Report: market development analysis and forecast

(Diagnostic as of 2015-Q2). Where do real estate bubbles exist in Switzerland and how will the market develop?

This document fleshes out the arguments supporting the concept that the Swiss economic and geopolitical model together with the systemic structural weakness of Europe in particular warrants the creation of a Swiss Sovereign Fund.
"A civil super-Apollo project in nuclear research for a safer and prosperous world"

The proposal "A civil super-Apollo project in nuclear research for a safer and prosperous world"
Property Report: market development analysis and forecast

(Diagnostic as of 2014-Q4). Where do real estate bubbles exist in Switzerland and how will the market develop?