Behavioural Science and Corporate Behavior

Understand What Motivates Your Boss, HBS Working Knowledge


You've heard managers say they'll heap riches on those who do a good job. Ignore their words; watch their actions. Who do they really reward? Why? Mostly, we reward those who meet our needs, first and foremost. If you know what your managers really want, you can meet their needs while meeting the needs of the business. The late Harvard psychology professor David McClelland had an easy framework you can use. McClelland said motivation comes in three flavors: power, affiliation, and achievement.

What to do if I'm not allowed to be productive because of my manager's own self-interest? Should I just buckle down and try not to get noticed?

Source: Understand What Motivates Your Boss, Stever Robbins, HBS Working Knowledge, 06/03/13 external page


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