
Didier Sornette, Euan Mearns, Michael Schatz, Verlassen wir uns nicht nur auf den Staat, Schweizer Monat 1080, Oktober 2020, Download see PDF (PDF, 5.3 MB)
«Lockdown ist ein brutales, mittelalterliches Instrument» (Prof. Didier Sornette) | external page Schweizer Wissenschaftler streiten über Nutzen des Lockdowns | 14.05.2020 Download see english (PDF, 115 KB)
Analysing, modelling and interpreting COVID-19 data, a complex system approach, invited web-seminar at the Royal College of Physicians Ireland (RCPI) master class, Topic: COVID-19: Update for Clinicians 13 May 2020, 05:00 PM London time,
organised by Prof. Anthony O'Regan, Dean Institute of Medicine, RCPI and Dr. Oisin O’Connell, see Download slide_MaryKeogan (MP4, 132.2 MB) see Download slide_PatriciaFitzpatrick (MP4, 63.8 MB) see Download slide_DidierSornette (MP4, 127.9 MB) see Download discussion (MP4, 422 MB)
SRF-RTS Infrarouge (6.5.2020): external page Deconfinement la suisse va-t-elle trop vite? see also transcription Download in english (PDF, 166 KB)
SRF-RTS Interview (27.4.2020):
1) interview: external page Pour le professeur Didier Sornette les mesures de confinement pourraient avoir de lourdes consequences
2) additional thoughts: Download Messages that Prof. D Sornette was not given time to communicate (PDF, 119 KB)
See also newest interview from 24th April 2020 with Prof. Didier Sornette "Download Un expert de l’ETHZ tire la sonnette d'alarme sur les conséquences du confinement" (PDF, 305 KB)