Financial bubbles and crashes

Download Commodity Bubbles, food security and the Financial Crisis Observatory (PDF, 2.3 MB), invited presentation at the satellite meeting "Food Security - Agricultural Commodity Price Risk and Green Investments: a global challenge", 13th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE-Congress 2011), ETH Zurich, August 30 to September 2, 2011

Download Taming Manias: On the origins, inevitability, prediction and regulation of bubbles and crashes (PDF, 2.2 MB), invited at the conference "Emergence and Design of Robustness" organized by the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems in Palma de Mallorca (IFISC) and the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden. Invited by the Scientific coordination: Marc-Thorsten Hütt, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany, Alexander S. Mikhailov, Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany and Raul Toral, IFISC (UIB-CSIC), Palma di Mallorca, Spain, September 21, 2010

Download Fundamental economic and financial changes and the need for changes to long-term investment approaches (PDF, 3.2 MB), keynote speech at the IPC2010 (International pension fund club (consisting of approx. 60 of the largest pension funds around the world like e.g. PGGM in Holland, Ontario Teachers and TIAA-CREF in Northamerica, USS in the UK, Future Fund in Australia), organized by Dr. Vera Kupper Staub, Leiterin Geschäftsbereich Vermögensanlagen, Zürich, Park Hyatt, Zurich, Switzerland, July 12, 2010.

Download Financial, Real-Estate Bubble, Derivative Bubbles - Finite-Singularity Models (PDF, 3.7 MB), invited seminar at the Swiss Finance Institute, Faculty of Economics, Universita delle Svizzera Italiana, USI, Lugano, CH, invited by Prof. Giovanni Barone-Adesi,  November 27, 2009

Download Séismes et bulles financières: Quelle prévision (PDF, 3.8 MB)?, one of the two speakers at the round table "Paroles de chercheurs", on the theme "Séismes et bulles financières: quelle prévision?" with Paul Jorion and Gerard Bonos (journalist), organized by Bertrand Collomb (chairman of the board, was CEO and President of the Lafarge Group) and Marie-Françoise Chevallier-Le Guyader, director of IHEST, November 25, 2009, Conseil Supérieur du Notariat, 60 Blvd de Latour-Maubourg, 756007 Paris.

Download The Normality of Financial Crises: Prediction of Crisis and Risk Management (PDF, 3.1 MB), conference presented at the first European Summer University of the IHEST on the theme "L'economie, une science qui nous gouverne? Leçon des crises", Saline royale d'Arc-et-Senans,  presentation on September 3, 2009 followed by a round-table with Richard Arena, Christian de Boissieu, Bertrand Collomb and Didier Sornette, Sept 3-8, 2009

Download Financial Bubbles, Real-Estate Bubble, Derivative Bubbles and the Financial and Economic Crisis (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Keynote speech at the CCSS International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems, ETH Zurich, organized by Dirk Helbing (Coordinator), Kay Axhausen, Lars-Eric Cederman, Hans-Jürgen Herrmann, Frank Schweitzer and Didier Sornette, June 8-12, 2009
external page VIDEO LECTURE

Download A Complex System View on the Financial and Economic Crises (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Keynote talk at the "New approaches to the analysis of large-scale business and economic data" conference, APFA7 (Applications of Physics in Financial Analysis), Conference series entitled Applications of Physics in Financial Analysis focuses on the analysis of large-scale Economic data and THIC (Tokyo tech - Hitotsubashi Interdisciplinary Conference), Tokyo Tech (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Hitotsubashi University, organized by Misako Takayasu (Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Tsutomu Watanabe (Institute of Eonomic Research, Hitotsubashi University), external page ENGLISH SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION

Download A Complex System View on the Financial and Economic Crises (PDF, 2 MB)
Keynote opening address at the 3rd International and 1st Chinese Forum on Intelligent Finance (IFIF-III & CFIF-I) (Financial Risks + Global Macro + Dynamic Portfolio + Exotic Options + Forex Trading), Siyuan Building, Chinese Academy of Science, Zhongguancun, Beijing, China,
February 26-28, 2009

Download Extremes and the 2008 Financial Crisis (PDF, 2.5 MB)
Invited speaker at the International Workshop on Extreme Events: Theory, Observations, Modeling, and Prediction, Palma de Mallorca, organized by Holger Kantz (MPIPKS) and Manuel A. Matías (IFISC), November 10-14, 2008

Download Debunking the 2008 crisis (PDF, 1.7 MB) (a complex system view of the financial and economic crisis)
Opening talk at the Fribourg Symposium, Fribourg, Switzerland, organized by Damien Challet, Matus Medo and Yi-Cheng, November 7, 2008

Download Financial crises and systemic risks (PDF, 2.4 MB)
Lecture presented at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board in scope of the RISC programme (RISC: rare incidents with social consequences), September 12, 2008

Download Why stock markets crash (PDF, 8.5 MB)
Lecture at the external page Ninth Trento Summer School. Intensive course in Financial Instability and Crises, Co-Directors of the School: Domenico Delli Gatti, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano and Mauro Gallegati, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona.
Centro Congressi Panorama (Sardagna - Trento, Italy), July 30 June - 11, 2008

Download Why stock markets crash (PDF, 5.4 MB)
3 hour lectures to the students of Physics and of Mathematics of ENS Cachan, organized by the director of the department of Mathematics, Frederic Dias, Paris, France, December 11, 2007

Download Finite-Time Singularities in Population, Economic and Financial Time Series: the End of the Growth Era? (PDF, 17.9 MB)
CER-ETH Economics Research Seminar, Monday's research Seminar, ETH, Zurich, Zuerichbergstrasse 18,  May 8, 2006

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