A complex system approach to Entrepreneurship
- Cooperation versus competition in complex evolving landscapes (major unsolved problem in anthropology and the conduct of human affairs): why do we cooperate?
- Importance of statistics and dependence of downside and upside risks
- Complex system approach
- Four relational models (CS, AR, EM, MP)
- Evolutionary view of our brain and cognitive abilities in the modern corporate world
- Agent-based models of entrepreneurial processes (trade-off between corporate governance and entrepreneurship)
- Coarse-grained dynamical system approach and models of large upside and downside risks
- Endogenous versus exogenous factors and their interplay in controlling risks (Schumpeter’s theory of abrupt evolution and Romer’s theory of growth theory)
- Experiments (in coll. with A. Fiske, R. Dunbar, …, E. Fehr)
- Understanding entrepreneurial risks for management based on combination of complex system approach, economics and finance methods, physics and math